Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Everyone needs a little inspiration. Today I have been inspired by my cousin's blog: Our Lovely Life. She was talking about how she is waiting for Spring to come. Spring is a great thing, but I am waiting for summer! Just a reminder, if you haven't been keeping track summer is just a couple months away! My summer starts in May, so that is just ~10ish weeks away. Do you have plans for this summer? You must have some idea of what you want to do! Whether it is as simple as going to the beach or on a picnic, I have some suggestions to keep you inspired and hopefully also motivated.

First off, remember your resolutions! January was now three months ago but that is no excuse to steer clear of your resolutions, fitness or not. If they have changed that's fine and understandable--mine seem to change weekly--but why do you make up resolutions in the first place? To hold yourself to something of some sort? Make new ones if you need to! After January my new resolution was to have a new resolution for every month, while sticking to my original resolution for the year. I am a goal oriented person though, so making resolutions and setting goals and marking my progress really help me accomplish the things I want to.

Secondly, make a small list (physical or mental) of what you have planned to do or what you want to do this summer. Then find specific pictures to go with those things. For example, I am going to the Sasquatch Music Festival on Memorial day weekend in May, so I found the photo below of the music festival that portrays it in all it's beauty. It's in the Gorge!

Once you find at least one photo for each thing you want to do put them in a folder on your desktop. I titled my folder Summer Inspiration. As each event gets closer put each image as your background, or if you aren't sure what you're doing collage a few images together and post them as your background.

Right now I have the picture above as my background photo for inspiration to get my butt in gear for summer because after this festival summer will be in full throttle and who knows how much time I will be spending at the gym. My next big event is going to Vegas in July, so I compiled the picture below of the swimming pool at the hotel I am staying at!

After the Sasquatch Music Festival I am definitely going to put this as my background photo and hopefully it will keep me from eating all the delicious summer sweets and maybe even keep me in the gym or get me out on a few nice summer sun runs.

Lastly I am going to Hawaii in August with my man and his family. We will be staying in the beautiful Kauai! I have never been, but it's HAWAII! We will be spending 12 days there. So below is a beautiful picture of the bay right outside where we are staying and also a view off the front porch of the house we will be staying in:

SO, these are the things that are inspiring & motivating me to get off the couch and do some yoga, stretching, leg lifts, go for a walk, or something active in my spare time. You don't even have to put your pictures in the order you will be enjoying them. Like I said, make a collage of all the images, or just rotate them regularly. You could even put them as a background on your phone, print them out and hang a picture next to your bed, by the bathroom mirror, etc. etc. Somewhere where you will see them and be reminded daily of the things you are set out to accomplish.

I hope you find some nice inspiration in this. Enjoy the rest of your day.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Thanks Courtney for this post...it was much needed :) Love!
