Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February: Gluten Free

I am constantly coming up with ideas and goals that I want to set and accomplish and they seem to be all over the board. There are really only a handful that I end up going through with. That said, I have newly decided that I want to make a resolution for each month this year, while still sticking to the original resolutions I had. I will dub January the kick off of the new year and therefore the month where I started putting my new years resolutions into action. February is going to be gluten free month. I'm practically ready.

I went to the grocery store and bought some brow rice bread and tortillas but I also bought some veggie chik'n patties and veggie breakfast sausages...not realizing that these contain wheat and wheat gluten until after I had gotten home and thrown away the receipt. It's going to take me a little bit to get the hang of not eating gluten, but I think once I have it down I will be able to stick with it for awhile. I am thinking possibly til summer, but who knows. I am not allergic to gluten (that I know of) and I do not have celiacs disease. I am just so curious about this feeling people tell me that you feel when you stop eating gluten. A girl in my class that is extremely intolerant to gluten and cannot have any contact with it whatsoever was telling me how surprised you would be by some things caused by gluten. From skin conditions to headaches and even depression, can all be caused by gluten. I've been told it takes ~3 months for your body to realize and process the shift to gluten free so if I adapt easily enough in February I will continue on. I am very excited and curious about this change. I like challenging myself.

I've been extremely busy lately. 

I had my first fashion show this last weekend. It was fun and quite the experience but the event itself was unfortunately very unorganized and overall a little bit of a disappointment. I feel so happy to have friends and family that care for me. I couldn't help but apologize to them and feel guilty, especially for making them pay to come to such an unorganized event. I really do feel like I could've organized that event better...not to be cocky or anything. But everyone told me they were happy to go, also for the experience, and that they were happy to be there to support me. I love all my friends and family. They've all helped me become the person I am today.

I have a few tests to study for these days. I had some roommates move out and new ones moved in. I am still working on my fitness goals and also trying to buckle down on a business plan and decide what I want to do when I graduate school in 8 weeks!!! 

I've included my work out of the day (WOD) from yesterday below. I can definitely feel it today. I added a few things to challenge myself and I've found that I am definitely getting stronger in my push-ups and pull-ups!

>Side Lunge on Bosu with dumbbell curl --10 ea side
>Dead lift, straight leg, 30# --15
>Squat with dumbbell shoulder press --10
>Pull-ups (mod. as needed) --10
>Push ups (mod. as needed) --16

I'll be sure to keep ya'll posted. Keep up with all of your hard work and new years resolutions!

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