Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yesterday's WOD

single arm dumbbell bench press 30 secs each side

single arm reverse flies with dumbbell 30 secs each side

pull-ups (assisted) 30 secs

push-ups (assisted) 30 secs

isolated side lunges with dumbbell curl 30 secs each side

bulgarian squat (one legged squat with dorsi flex) 30 secs each side

cross-over step-ups (make sure to step-up and down with the same leg) 30 secs each side

*Complete 3 rounds, with 1 minute of rest after each
Of course, don't forget to warm-up and cool-down :)

>I pushed myself hard on this one, to the point where I felt like throwing up. Now that's when you know you've got a good work-out in. Remember to push yourself but don't go overboard. You are the only one that knows your limits. Don't forget to breathe through everything! Breathing let's your body know you are okay even if you are hurting and/or pushing it super hard!

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