Monday, November 28, 2011

Busy Times I Live In

     Well, did you all survive the Thanksgiving feasts? I must say that I did not fully survive, but I'm trying to accept it. There is basically one month until Christmas and if I can pull off a good weight loss this week than I think I still have potential to reach my Christmas weight goal. But this is the final week to change it around or else all hope for this goal will be lost.

     My weekend consisted of family & old, good friend visits and a ton of delicious foods. From caramelized sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, candied yams, roasted onions with cheese, cheese balls, cheese dips, crackers, bread, bread, bread and more bread with butter and garlic. I will just spit it out and tell you I gained 1 and a half pounds this past week. I blame all the starch. It's hard to stay away when you've been away for so long. Then someone offers you one piece, you take a bite, and there is no going back. That's how it felt at least. I've got better grip than this and I'm going to prove it to myself (hopefully). I plan on keeping a strict food log the rest of the week and exercise every day. The week itself should be fairly easy, as it usually is. This week I am spending Tuesday through Thursday nights at the house I nanny for. The father is going to Seattle for business. I plan on getting all my homework/studying done and definitely getting my work outs in, because generally so far I have found that staying the night at their house is kind of boring. The kids get themselves to sleep by about 9 o'clock, I don't even have to do anything. Before that they just watch TV or play video games.

     What else is going on? I don't have a lot of plans like I have had the last few weekends, so that is kind of a relief. I have a couple photo-shoots planned and besides that I want to take it easy and study hard and feel prepared coming into the week. I usually do, but I also usually don't start studying until late Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully I'll just get a little more in.

     I've been very interested in doing more modeling recently. Unfortunately, I realize the more I want to collaborate with artists, the more I realize that my time is very strapped. December isn't even here yet and I'm almost completely booked up for the month! I am considering taking up ballet starting in January. It's something that I have been thinking about a bit and just think it would be a fun experience and a good work-out / fun-something to keep me doing until I graduate school. Ballet is so gorgeous and I used to take it as a very young girl. It would be nice to try it again! I haven't 100% decided yet, but I will let you know when I do.

    This week is going to be about a lot of discipline. I haven't been running or jogging at all because the weather has been absolutely horrible, but before this week things were still working out for me. Like I said, this is my last week to really turn things around for myself. I can do it. I've totally got this...I'll try to post a bit more this week. You understand, last week with a holiday and what not. I hope your week kicks off to an amazing start. Make it a good one.

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