Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eating Tips, Weight Goals, + Lower Body Circuit

     Sunday night I posted about my weight loss goals and the steps I have been taking to get myself there. I mentioned my curiosity towards the number the scale was going to give me, especially because it was Halloween weekend and all. I didn’t mention, but will now, that I struggle most after Thursday every week. I don’t have school and I only work in the afternoons on Fridays so I think of it like having a three-day weekend and from there it is hard for me to continue working out on the weekend, and like most young-adults I think it’s safe to say I like to indulge in social activities which often times end in ordering pizza. If I get in the mindset of pizza there is no going back on it. I can’t even stop myself, it’s been a problem.
      Thankfully though I have for the most part conquered the over-junk food-binge eating problem. I have tried to keep a regular eating schedule as much as possible, and I’ve been keeping a food log. These things together help me realize if I am truly hungry or not so when I want to go out to eat or order in pizza I ask myself, ‘Are you really hungry?’ When it comes to going out to eat I have definitely limited myself, half because I just don’t have the money and the other half because I know how not so good for you going out to eat is--so many hidden calories, among other things! If I know I am going someplace, like a friends house, or just to a park or something to meet up with friends I pack myself a little lunch to nibble on. That way I know what I’m eating, I have a limited amount, and I’m saving money! I’ve set into the habit of eating ‘healthy’ that my stomach can’t even handle things that I used to love oh so dear, like pizza. Don’t get me wrong, when I really want to I can still scarf down an entire zza to myself, but not without putting my stomach in danger. I get the worst stomach pains from eating things that I have limited myself on. Back in high school (~2005) I cut my intake of fast food by about 90%. After I became a vegetarian in 2008 my options were pretty much only limited to fries and shakes if I wanted fast food, which I would still very rarely indulge in. Then I moved to Portland, OR where they have Burgerville. At Burgerville they have vegetarian burgers, so I thought I would try them. The first, second, and lastly third time I tried them my stomach was just in knots. I can no longer eat fast food at all. I guess this is a great thing, but my point is I feel like the same situation is coming on with the other foods (like pizza) that I have been limiting my intake on. I also feel like this is a ‘sign’ that those foods are worse for me than I thought.

      I’ve recently taken a look into dairy as well. I have learned so many things about dairy products lately (i.e. the milking of cows, what happens to the calves, etc.) and I am in the process of cutting back on dairy in my diet. Besides the heart breaking farm animal dairy product stories I have read, I have also learned that humans are the only mammals that continue to drink milk past infantry and that this is most likely the reason why so many people are developing intolerance to lactate later in their lives. Whether you realize it or not dairy really isn’t very good for your body. If you are sick cut back on the dairy, it’s just going to promote mucus and clog you up more! Try cutting back on dairy in your diet, just as an experience, see if you feel any positive differences.
So the fill in on what the scale read:
       I went from 166.2 #s (as of 10/24/11) to 164.2 #s (as of 10/30/11) giving myself a solid 2# loss for the week. I’m feeling really good about it. I am still going to take baby steps in my progression. I am continuing to eat well and watching my calorie intake closely. I’ve been trying to stay between my recommended calorie intake for my weight loss goal and the calorie intake to maintain my current weight. I have also been pushing myself harder at school when we work out, because we work out every day (M-Th). About two of the four days we get to work out independently. I usually end up working out with someone else or creating a circuit for myself. Today, in hopes that we will get another independent work out I have made a lower body circuit for myself, feel free to use it for yourself to.

       With 30 mins in mind it is going to be a AMRAP work out, meaning, as many rounds as possible in the 30 minutes. Go at whatever pace you would like, but be sure to push yourself to a challenge. *the exercises between the numbers are to be done between each of those exercises.*

1. Skater Jumps x20
            -10 leg swings (ea leg)
2. 30# on shoulders –squats x20
            -15 kettle bell pleas
3. 30# straight leg forward rolls x10
            -30 Russian twists
4. Walking lunges x30
            -plank hold for 1 minute
5. Side lunges x20
            -15 side leg lifts or circles (ea leg)--on all fours

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