Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nanny Update

     I haven't written an update on my new nanny job since I started posting regularly. It has been going very well. I have now met all the cats and the last one, Tardo, is insanely cute! I still haven't managed to snag a picture of him yet but I am going to keep trying. Stir fry and Tardo are basically best friends it's adorable. They are constantly running around together and sometimes I find them curled up snuggling together, it's adorable. Tardo is very skittish though, even though he (she?) will let me pet him, he still runs when I try to approach him when he's not sleeping. About a week and a half ago I brought home one of the four cats for us to have at our house, it's technically my roommates cat. Her name at the house where I nanny was Guano (which means bat shit in Spanish), but my roommate renamed her Mal. She is quite adorable. My cat, Dina was very territorial at first. She has been the only cat in her household for the last 6+ months, but before that she lived with other cats and got along with them just fine. Now Dina and Mal get along for the most part. They like to play sometimes and spend some good time following each other around, but they also spend a majority of the day just ignoring each other. My hopes are to find them snugglin up one of these days.

     Anyway, really not a lot else to post about. I've been in Salem all weekend visiting my boyfriend. e had some friends from Portland come down last night and hang out, fun times. I've been studying a bit tonight. Learning about hormones/steroids/supplements/drugs in physiology, digestion in nutrition and the rotator cuffs in anatomy. I feel like today is Saturday and that I should have another day to not do anything before returning to my work/school week. I guess some weekends feel like that though. I wish Salem wasn't 45 minutes away so I could go home whenever I wanted and not have to worry about time. Oh well, it really isn't that bad. I'm going to get ready to leave here in a minute. I've got some laundry to do at home, want to stretch and maybe get some more working out in. I didn't work out yesterday, but I went for a run today. It felt so good in the fall weather. It really wasn't that cold today and the leaves all over the ground were just so gorgeous. I love the NW Fall color, smell of the fresh air and the feel of it on my skin. I would like to say that I want to try running/jogging a bit more, but if I don't want to say anything of the sort because chances are it's not going to happen. I just plain and simple don't really enjoy running much. The thought of getting to the point of enjoying it sounds delightful though. I guess I'll see...I get a lot of ideas about things that I want to do, I'm not holding myself to this one.

Stir Fry


Dina Belle


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