Sunday, December 4, 2011

End of the Week

    I feel like this week has gone especially well for me. I worked out really hard most of the week to the point where I was sore most of the week, it felt so good! I kept a pretty strict food journal up til Friday night and then I stopped keeping track, but I think I still did pretty good at keeping myself in check. I have gotten into a good habit of packing myself little 'lunches' of my own food so I don't spend too much money or eat too much crap food.
     I had two photo shoots this weekend, kept really busy. They were both so fun. One was with a photographer I have worked with several times and very much enjoy shooting with. The second shoot was with a couple that both work as photographers together. It was different, but I loved it! They were so nice, friendly, and made me feel comfortable. They have a nice natural lit space set up in their apartment that seemed perfect for photo shoots. I'm excited to see the results from both.

     The rest of today I am going to go for a two mile run, do some studying for school and then go on a VS shopping spree tonight with their special card holder sale. I'm excited for this month, lots of new things coming about, friends coming into town, visiting family, making delicious food, etc. etc. The loom of the scale waits tomorrow morning and I am anticipating a good number...we'll see.

    I recommend relaxing your mind while still being productive the rest of today and start your week off awesome tomorrow. Go into it head strong, with a positive attitude. Next weekend will be here in no how time flies. Here's to making the best of this week!

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